
Hydrogen – the economic miracle

Hydrogen – the economic miracle

View inside the 500-kilowatt Green Electrolyzer, © iGas

View inside the 500-kilowatt Green Electrolyzer, © iGas

The production of hydrogen is now recognized as an emerging market right around the globe. Many diverse electrolyzer manufacturers are experiencing unprecedented demand. A great many new players are jumping on the bandwagon and increasing numbers of conventional energy suppliers are pivoting from traditional power sources to renewable energies and embedding hydrogen in their portfolios. So what is the current situation vis-a-vis electrolyzers and what can we expect in the future? This article seeks to shine a light on these and other questions by providing a general – though not necessarily exhaustive – roundup of recent developments. (more…)

High-Pressure Electrolyzer in Pocket Size

High-Pressure Electrolyzer in Pocket Size


Module-based PEM electrolyzer stack

Researchers of the Westphalian Energy Institute (WEI) at Gelsenkirchen Bocholt Recklinghausen University of Applied Sciences (WH) have developed a pocket-size PEM unit for water electrolysis. The electrolyzer stack is based on the WEI-invented method of hydraulic compression of individual cells [1] through the use of a patented control system [2]. The process allows for an alignment of hydraulic and gas pressure at the start-up of the system to achieve almost any pressure level (more…)