
Can Africa solve Germany’s energy problems?

Can Africa solve Germany’s energy problems?

The port of Barra do Dande in Angola could be the site for a future hydrogen project, © Lars Schneider

Barra do Dande in Angola – could be the site for a future hydrogen project, © Lars Schneider

While German economy minister Robert Habeck is busy visiting Qatar and Norway in a bid to ease Germany’s dependence on Russian energy supplies, representatives from the Italian government are heading for Algeria, Angola and the Republic of Congo. The German administration, it would seem, still continues to undervalue Africa, both as a potential supplier of natural gas and a partner for new hydrogen projects.

A Journey South in a Hyundai ix35 Fuel Cell

A Journey South in a Hyundai ix35 Fuel Cell


ix35 Fuel Cell road test across Europe

Hyundai is one of the few carmakers in the transportation sector to have already made use of the fuel cell as a mass production feature in road transport. Its European subsidiary organized a several-day trip from Bergen in Norway to Bolzano in Italy to offer drivers from across the continent plenty of opportunities to test out the car even over longer distances. (more…)

Interview with Walter Huber from H2 South Tyrol

Interview with Walter Huber from H2 South Tyrol


Walter Huber

Numerous European countries are working hard – to a greater or lesser extent – in the field of hydrogen and fuel cell technology. Since 2006, one region has been particularly active: South Tyrol. In September 2009, in Bolzano, Italy, the ground-breaking ceremony was held for the construction of the first production and distribution system for green hydrogen in the country. The site adjacent to the Bolzano South freeway exit is now home to the biggest center for hydrogen in Europe, which is operated by the Institute for Innovative Technologies (IIT) and the Brenner A22 freeway. H2-international interviewed IIT President Walter Huber about the previous, current and future activities in South Tyrol. (more…)

Roland Berger study calls for investment incentives for end customers

Roland Berger study calls for investment incentives for end customers

Roland-Berger-Cover“Stationary fuel cells in Europe are on the threshold of a commercial market launch.” This finding in the study by Roland Berger Strategy Consultants implies that the market launch of FC heating devices is yet to take place. So that a commercialization can take place, according to the analysis on the status of stationary fuel cell technology in Europe, “support by the state is required in the initial phase”.

In the scope of the study commissioned by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU), the authors considered different types of stationary fuel cells in differing output ranges and areas of use, and ascertained that in Europe (more…)