
Tesla: Another US$ 750 Million Capital Increase

Tesla: Another US$ 750 Million Capital Increase


Tesla Model X

A capital increase again: around US$ 750 million going to Tesla. Whether this will help provide the cash needed to build the Gigafactory for batteries – which is said to cost up to US$ 5 billion – seems doubtful. The increase also left a bitter aftertaste, as Morgan Stanley was the underwriter (placed the shares) of the “spontaneous” capital increase and, at the same time, a new study (more…)

ENE-FARM installed 120,000 residential fuel cell units

ENE-FARM installed 120,000 residential fuel cell units


Nedo, Japan, showed their first CHP fuel cell systems in Hannover 2008

Japan’s ENE-FARM program is arguably the most successful fuel cell commercialization program in the world. ENE-FARM has supported the deployment of well over 120,000 residential fuel cell units and is providing proof that long term public-private partnerships can push new technology into the marketplace. New models coming on the market in 2015 are smaller, more efficient, cheaper and more easily installed than previous models. (more…)
