
Power-to-Gas – Microbes to Cut Costs

Power-to-Gas – Microbes to Cut Costs


Micro-organisms, © Schmack Biogas

Micro-organisms provide more flexibility than common catalysts, and the methane produced by them is relatively pure. Additionally, the investment costs for Power-to-Gas systems can be lowered by using transformers and power as well as gas network connections of already existing biogas and wastewater treatment plants. This field of study, however, still requires more research to be done, even for (more…)

Power-to-Gas for Cheaper Electricity

Power-to-Gas for Cheaper Electricity

Greenpeace-wind-gasGreenpeace Energy presented a new study in August of 2015 according to which “wind gas” (gas produced with the help of excess power from renewable energy – hydrogen or methane) could contribute to strengthening the transformation of the energy sector. The 97-page comparison of future power supply with and without (more…)

Power-to-gas is now en vogue in Europe

Power-to-gas is now en vogue in Europe


ITM-system in Ibbenbueren (Source: ITM-Power)

The political statements are now being trotted out on an almost weekly basis. This should come as no surprise, since more power-to-gas projects are now starting than ever before. We repeatedly hear things like “PtG technology has the potential to lead the energy transition to success.” Such statements were to be heard most recently, for example, at the commissioning of the facility in Ibbenbüren and in Mainz, and also at the initialization of the project in Solothurn, Switzerland. (more…)

Brussels has decided on H2 fuel

Brussels has decided on H2 fuel


Oliver Weinmann requested at least a triple offsetting.

While the further development of the H2 and FC technology is diligently perfected in the laboratories and workshops using new catalyst materials or production processes, elsewhere – just as diligently – discussions are taking place about the political framework conditions. In spring 2015, it was decided in Brussels that in the future, during the refining of fuels, hydrogen which is produced from renewable energies will gain a multiple offsetting against the biofuel quota, but “only” by a factor of two and not – as requested by many – by a factor of four. (more…)

Hydrogenics electrolyzer achieves technological milestone

Hydrogenics electrolyzer achieves technological milestone


Electrolyzer container (Source: Hydrogenics)

Hydrogenics (HYGS, US$9.50) already has that which Ballard is planning with Chinese firm CSR in the bag: the company is providing Alstom with FC technology for use in trains. Order value: minimum of US$50m. over a time frame of ten years.

In early May 2015, the company was also able to report a technological breakthrough with the presentation of the most powerful (more…)