
Reflection and perspective on PtX

Reflection and perspective on PtX

PtX landscape in Germany (stations in operation or being constructed), © LBST

PtX landscape in Germany, © LBST

The progression of PtX technologies within the last two decades, starting in Germany, seems to have developed into a success story, with currently more than 900 projects worldwide. At this time, a transition from small laboratory-scale pilot projects to large-scale commercial use can be observed. The PtX activities up to now have been followed and analyzed by LBST, who will continue to in the future. (more…)

PtX atlas shows worldwide potential

PtX atlas shows worldwide potential

PtX Atlas, © Fraunhofer IEE

© Fraunhofer IEE

Many regions of the world can be considered prime locations for the production of green hydrogen and renewably manufactured synthetic fuels. How much actual potential each area has to offer, though, has now been revealed in detail in the first-ever global power-to-x atlas. The assessment of each site’s technical and economic potential is based on extensive analysis, for example the availability of land and the weather conditions. Other factors taken into consideration include local water supplies, ecological issues, investment security and transport costs. (more…)

The negative image of PtX

The negative image of PtX

Despite the current wave of enthusiasm about the potential of hydrogen, there is much discussion and much uncertainty about the role of synthetic fuels. If you follow the current debate, you sometimes get the impression that E-Fuels are either another saviour or a spawn of evil.
