
Fuel cell use in the land of the fjords

Fuel cell use in the land of the fjords


Passenger express ferry in Floroe, © Broedrene Aa

One of the most important pillars of Norway’s economy, the maritime sector, is closely tied to the petroleum and natural gas industry. Using highly specialized ships and underwater equipment, offshore oil platforms are constructed, equipped and maintained as well as assembled and anchored to the seabed along the coast of Norway. (more…)

e4ships – Heavy Fuel Oil Is a Thing of the Past

e4ships – Heavy Fuel Oil Is a Thing of the Past


Bernard Meyer

The transportation sector is moving forward again: After a years-long debate and much reporting about fuel cell use in passenger cars, a breath of new life has been given to maritime, railroad and aviation applications. Especially many of the stakeholders in the maritime industry see great market potential for fuel cell units, as environmental regulations are gradually putting pressure on the oft-used diesel technology. (more…)