
Fuel cell powertrains now an option for large ships

Fuel cell powertrains now an option for large ships

The ONE 50 will be capable of sustainable sea travel, © Meyer Werft

The ONE 50 will be capable of sustainable sea travel, © Meyer Werft

Currently they run on heavy fuel oil – a substance that is more reminiscent of tar than vehicle fuel. It’s the residue that remains after various crude oil distillation processes have been carried out. While the more volatile fractions such as ke

rosene, gasoline, diesel and household fuel oil are separated off for other uses, the large, robust two-stroke engines of ocean-going giants make do with the leftover black sludge which is so viscous it needs to be heated up before it can be combusted. The changeover to fuels like liquefied natural gas, LNG, has already begun but this in itself won’t be enough. That’s why an increasing number of industry players are looking to hydrogen and are now making initial attempts to embed this fueling option in seagoing vessels. (more…)

Hydrogen is on everyone’s lips

Hydrogen is on everyone’s lips

Design draft of a future FC ship
Design draft of a future FC ship, © Havyard

While hydrogen in the maritime sector has only ever been treated as an option for the future under “far away” for years, not only the events at which this energy source is the subject of lively debate are currently on the increase, but also the reports on concrete projects.
