
Plug Power to produce electrolyzers and hydrogen

Plug Power to produce electrolyzers and hydrogen

In my view, Plug Power [Nasdaq: PLUG] is definitely on the right track: Building and expanding liquid hydrogen production facilities while planning to acquire United Hydrogen. The latter’s 6.5-ton annual capacity should be raised to 10 tons, thus meeting 25 percent of Plug’s in-house demand, meaning eventually the profit margin can come from consumables. Plug is also negotiating with an electrolyzer manufacturer that could or should be absorbed. That all looks very good to me. In a few years’ time, Plug intends to cover more than 50 percent of its own production with green hydrogen.

Plug Power – not yet where it should be

Plug Power – not yet where it should be

My virtual portfolio - Chart.
My virtual portfolio, © Wikifolio

Cashing in around the USD 5 mark, as I recommended, may have been a bit premature, seeing that the price rose as high as USD 6, but was ultimately a prudent move. At present, Plug Power’s stock again trades around USD 3. You may wonder what happened in the meantime. Simply put, expectations were too high. The net loss per share amounted to USD 0.06 in the fourth quarter of 2019. Revenue rose to USD 91.7 million, compared to USD 59.8 million generated in the prior-year quarter, which means there is some good news.

Ballard Power – well-prepared, still going strong

Ballard Power – well-prepared, still going strong

Telecommunication pole, Thailand.
Telecommunication pole, Thailand.

The manufacture of the new powerful LCS stack, through a Weichai-Ballard joint venture in China, will start in the second half, or around the middle, of 2020. In my opinion, it will lay the foundation for high, long-term growth in revenue and profit. Considering what month it is, we will not have to wait long to find out. The positive news coming from this will form the basis for price trends throughout the year. I estimate a big jump, as Ballard Power is the global leader in manufacturing fuel cells.

Plug Power to produce electrolyzers and hydrogen

FuelCell Energy – the moment you reach the growth ceiling

How quickly things can change. Just a few months ago, FuelCell Energy [Nasdaq: FCEL] risked bankruptcy due to questionable financial practices. With the help of a highly committed and successful consulting firm, the business then righted the ship. At one point, its price soared from around USD 0.13 to an intraday high of over USD 4.00 as it saw its market cap jump from USD 40 million to USD 500 million. The latest stock crash then put an end to it all and the stock took a nosedive, finishing below USD 1.00. It will certainly take some time before the price averages out to reflect business growth.
