
Stralsund has written H2 history

Stralsund has written H2 history

Prof. Jochen Lehmann with his first FC system from Warsitz, Sunnyvale, from 1994.
Prof. Jochen Lehmann with his first FC system from Warsitz from 1994.

It all started almost forty years ago. At that time his interest in energy brought him to hydrogen. Since then Prof. Jochen Lehmann, a veteran of the German H2 industry, has achieved a lot: He initiated the installation of the complex laboratory Alternative Energy at the University of Applied Sciences Stralsund with the world’s first hydrogen storage power plant, …

Wind Energy Storage in the North East

Wind Energy Storage in the North East


Total amount of wind power, © Crotogino

The 2014 version of the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) allows operators in case of a grid overload to “reduce the feed-in” of green power, but with the obligation to log the incident. The ones who pay for it are the utility customers because the owners of wind farms receive their usual feed-in payment – even if the network operator takes the park off the grid. Use of the permission is rampant (more…)