
NH3 can assume a key role in the energy transition

NH3 can assume a key role in the energy transition

First high temperature ammonia powered fuel-cell for shipping, © Eidesvik

First high temperature ammonia powered fuel-cell for shipping, © Eidesvik

The production of ammonia for the fertilizer industry is, according to the IEA (International Energy Agency), the second most important area of hydrogen utilization. We therefore presented some concrete projects for the production of green ammonia in the July 2021 issue of H2-international. But what about the user side? Up to now, ammonia has hardly played any role as an energy carrier, although it could become an important source of energy, especially in transport by ship. The compound has numerous advantages over other energy mediums. At the same time, however, there are still many technical and logistical challenges to be solved, which are being addressed by, among others, the research projects ShipFC and Campfire. (more…)

The role of ammonia in tomorrow’s energy industry

The role of ammonia in tomorrow’s energy industry

manufacture Yara Brunsbüttel

Yara, with its production facility in Brunsbüttel, is among the world’s largest ammonia producers

While hydrogen is indeed a versatile energy carrier, the transportation of large quantities over long distances remains a challenge. One solution could be green ammonia as it can be conveyed and stored in a more manageable way than hydrogen. (more…)

Green ammonia in the tank

Green ammonia in the tank

Functionality Membrane/SSAS
Functionality Membrane/SSAS

The research alliance Campfire wants to decarbonize the maritime sector with the production of green ammonia and its application in emission-free drives.
