
New CEP boss is Starr

New CEP boss is Starr

T. Bystry (l.) and J. Starr - CEP predecessor and successor
T. Bystry (l.) and J. Starr – CEP predecessor and successor

The election of the new chairman of the Clean Energy Partnership (CEP) had already taken place during the New Energy Days in Husum, but the first public appearance took place in Hannover. At the Public Forum of Hydrogen + Fuel Cells Europe the baton handover took place: Thomas Bystry, who took early retirement from Shell in May 2019, led the initiative for over three years.

No Critical Questions Asked In Berlin

No Critical Questions Asked In Berlin


Minister A. Dobrindt

During the NIP year-end conference by the German federal transportation ministry BMVI last Dec. 14 in Berlin, attendees seemed to be listening to a unique “success story”: EUR 700 million in incentives, almost 700 projects and around 500 industry partners for R&D and market preparation from 2006 through 2016. The program’s successes were presented by Germany’s transport minister, Alexander Dobrindt, and several managers of central NIP projects during two half days (more…)

Fellbach and the Nineteenth H2 Station

Fellbach and the Nineteenth H2 Station


H2-Station Fellbach, © CEP

Another hydrogen filling station has been brought into operation, this time in Fellbach, north-east of Stuttgart. The fifth of its kind in Baden-Wurttemberg is a multi-energy station by Total. It operates with 700 bar of filling pressure and is supplied by hydrogen generated on-site through solar and wind power. The inauguration ceremony in the presence of representatives from politics and members of the Clean Energy Partnership was held on Oct. 1, 2015.

Patrick Schnell Leaves CEP

Patrick Schnell Leaves CEP


P. Schnell & T. Bystry (r.)

Change in personnel at the beginning of the year at Clean Energy Partnership (CEP): Patrick Schnell, who had worked at the organization since it started out as a demonstration project (which succeeded the Verkehrswirtschaftliche Energiestrategie or VES in 2002), handed over his chairmanship of CEP to Thomas Bystry. Schnell, whose primary employment is managing the Sustainable Development department (more…)