
FuelCell Energy – roller coaster ride on the stock exchange

FuelCell Energy – roller coaster ride on the stock exchange

If you hold this HZwei issue in your hands, we will know how FuelCell Energy will continue - whether it will continue: Chapter 11 (US insolvency) or reorganisation.
Giant stack from FuelCell Energy, © FuelCell Energy

If you hold this H2-international issue in your hands, we will know how FuelCell Energy will continue – whether it will continue: Chapter 11 (US insolvency) or reorganisation. What has happened? Enormous amounts of shares were traded daily by FuelCell Energy – on some days up to 150 million (computer arbitrage programs?). These were felt more than there actually are (reason: Conversion of preference shares). The interim price gain resembled an explosion, as there were even short-term prices of 1.00 US-$, while the price days before was still 0.13 US-$ (all, of course, under the aspect of the 12:1 reverse split).


FuelCell Energy – Reversal Split as Turbo of the Downward Trend

FuelCell had to feel what it means to fall for smart investors (loan sharks?). The preference shares that could be converted into ordinary shares were probably used to push down the price via short selling and to receive more and more shares due to a conversion ratio. Did the analysts who evaluate and recommend FuelCell Energy simply overlook this? Now the capital has been merged. The number of artificially inflated shares via conversion of preference shares has now been significantly reduced. Unfortunately, all this seems to leave the management cold, otherwise they would at least make a press release.

FuelCell Energy – falling shares present new opportunities

FuelCell Energy – falling shares present new opportunities


SureSource 3000, © FuelCell Energy

FuelCell Energy’s shares have experienced a sharp drop for seemingly no reason. It may have been a tactic intended to push down the price, for example, to profit via short sale in anticipation of the fall and convert warrants later. That is pure speculation, of course, but people say these things have happened before. In any case, the most recent investment decisions seem to be an unmistakable sign that institutional investors believe in the company’s prospects and its technology. (more…)