
EVS30 – The Electric Industry’s Meeting Point

EVS30 – The Electric Industry’s Meeting Point


T. Walter, Messe Stuttgart, and F. Loogen, e-mobil BW, © Landesmesse Stuttgart

One of the biggest electric transportation conferences in the world will open its doors from Oct. 9 through 11 in the German state capital of Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart. In 2017, the city’s show grounds will see three events run in parallel – the Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition, or EVS for short, the f-cell and the Battery+Storage. One day before the start of those, Stuttgart will have its Electric Transportation Day, AtEm. (more…)

WES – Trial Run for EVS 2017

WES – Trial Run for EVS 2017


Franz Loogen, e-mobil BW, partner of WES

The World of Energy Solutions will be held this year from in Stuttgart Oct. 10 to 12. It will be viewed as a test case for the 30th Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS), which will take place in 2017 together with the WES on the trade show premises and is an annual highlight for most electric car aficionados. It’s mere speculation at this point whether some companies are saving their strength for 2017. The only thing certain up till now is that the number of 78 exhibitors one month before the event is far removed from last year’s figure (120) (more…)