
How to guarantee a renewable product

How to guarantee a renewable product

Primary energy source determines the color assigned to hydrogen by CertifHy, © Hinicio

The CertifHy system for tracking the origin of green (renewable) and blue (low-carbon) hydrogen has moved past the pilot stage and can now be used throughout the EU to certify the gas and issue guarantees of origin.

The recent dynamism in the hydrogen market has led to discussions about the methods by which it is produced and the sustainability of different production pathways.

WES integrates green2market

WES integrates green2market

green2marketThis year, the World of Energy Solutions will be taking place from 12th until 14th October in Stuttgart together with the green2market. The company Peter Sauber Messen und Kongresse GmbH initially tried to stage a “Dialog Forum for Environmental Psychology and the Economy” last year. Together with Angela Imdahl from the (more…)