
Plug Power expects strong second quarter

Plug Power expects strong second quarter


Stock prices, ©

Technological breakthroughs and rosy prospects for growth may have raised expectations of the fuel cell companies described below, but their grossly undervalued stocks haven’t followed suit. Zooming out for a moment, there should be a greater focus on sustainability if the goal is to up the stock price. Instead, too much emphasis is placed on current financial results, specifically on the reports published each quarter. A pessimistic view of the next two years seems especially unjustified (more…)

New Business-Institution Co-Op for Intralogistics

New Business-Institution Co-Op for Intralogistics

CINNOW has established a new organization to support the fuel cell industry in Germany. Wolfgang Axthammer, one of the company’s two managing directors and head of its Special Markets program, confirmed that the first general meeting of the Clean Intralogistics Net, a network of fuel cell businesses (more…)