
NH3 can assume a key role in the energy transition

NH3 can assume a key role in the energy transition

First high temperature ammonia powered fuel-cell for shipping, © Eidesvik

First high temperature ammonia powered fuel-cell for shipping, © Eidesvik

The production of ammonia for the fertilizer industry is, according to the IEA (International Energy Agency), the second most important area of hydrogen utilization. We therefore presented some concrete projects for the production of green ammonia in the July 2021 issue of H2-international. But what about the user side? Up to now, ammonia has hardly played any role as an energy carrier, although it could become an important source of energy, especially in transport by ship. The compound has numerous advantages over other energy mediums. At the same time, however, there are still many technical and logistical challenges to be solved, which are being addressed by, among others, the research projects ShipFC and Campfire. (more…)

Bloom Energy – a company goes its own way

Bloom Energy – a company goes its own way

Billy Brooks, © Bloom

© Bloom

What a roller-coaster ride: from US$ 5 at the low in 2020 to over US$ 44 at the beginning of 2021 and now at US$ 22. I did not expect such a sharp decline, but the upward exaggeration has now been followed by a downward one, which may have been helped along by the fact that around 18.4 million shares were sold short (July 2021). (more…)

First endurance tests for alkaline fuel cells

First endurance tests for alkaline fuel cells

AFC projects at ABB and FZ JülichAFC Living Lab

Alkaline fuel cells, with their very low use of precious metals, are an alternative to PEM fuel cell technology. Another benefit is the higher tolerance to impurities in the supplied hydrogen. The focus of their work is particularly in the stationary sector. Two current projects with systems from AFC Energy bring dynamism to the still rare project landscape with alkaline fuel cells: The cooperation with ABB on their HPC charging solution for electric vehicles and the future project LLEC at the Jülich Research Centre. (more…)

kraftwerk is back

kraftwerk is back

Handheld charger still in the works

Sascha Kühn showing one of the cells he is developing
© kraftwerk

A plague of trademark disputes and court cases took eZelleron and its kraftwerk product virtually off the grid for five long years. Then, last October, kraftwerk TUBES chief executive Sascha Kühn informed H2-international that the business is coming out of “stealth mode” to demonstrate the fruits of quiet progress.

Viessmann shuts down Hexis

Viessmann shuts down Hexis

Galileo, Viessmann
Galileo at Hannover Messe in 2015

On March 19, German heating manufacturer Viessmann, based in Allendorf, announced it would shut down Hexis, its subsidiary in charge of developing SOFCs. The headline of the press release sounded rather innocuous: “Viessmann takes new path to implementing future-proof technology.“ However, in the third paragraph, the company then said it “will discontinue operations at Hexis.“
