
Japan: Forcing the SOFC technology

Japan: Forcing the SOFC technology


Hama-Wind-Turbine in Yokohama, © Toyota

In December 2017, there were 91 public hydrogen refueling stations operating in Japan, with another 10 in development, putting the country well on its way to its short-term goal of 160 by 2020. The deployment of stations has been one of Japan’s hydrogen success stories, despite daunting costs and a lack of initial demand. (more…)

SOFC Systems for Emerging Countries

SOFC Systems for Emerging Countries


SOFC stack, © mPower

In the future, high-temperature fuel cells should pave the way for new energy solutions in emerging countries. At least, this is the plan of several Indian investors who founded mPower in November 2015. Trusting in the SOFC know-how of Fraunhofer’s IKTS and the interconnects by Plansee, they want nothing less than to set out from Dresden and revolutionize the energy world. (more…)

New DOE Funding Available

New DOE Funding Available

LG-Fuel-Cell-SystemsThe US Department of Energy intended to issue a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) early in December 2015 offering up to $ 35 million over several years for various research, demonstration and analytical topics. Most of the effort is focused on hydrogen station cost reduction and improvements in fuel cell performance and durability. The projects would take place over one to five years; with multiple winners contemplated in each area of interest (more…)

FC on board – MFC & SOFC in maritime applications

FC on board – MFC & SOFC in maritime applications


The SOFC system from sunfire©

Fuel cells are considered to be all-round talents. That is why their use in the maritime sector is being continuously tested out. Until now, however, a successful breakthrough is yet to have occurred in this field. Nonetheless, as before, a variety of companies are trying to gain a foothold in this challenging area of potential application (more…)

ENE-FARM installed 120,000 residential fuel cell units

ENE-FARM installed 120,000 residential fuel cell units


Nedo, Japan, showed their first CHP fuel cell systems in Hannover 2008

Japan’s ENE-FARM program is arguably the most successful fuel cell commercialization program in the world. ENE-FARM has supported the deployment of well over 120,000 residential fuel cell units and is providing proof that long term public-private partnerships can push new technology into the marketplace. New models coming on the market in 2015 are smaller, more efficient, cheaper and more easily installed than previous models. (more…)
