
eZelleron Moves to USA

eZelleron Moves to USA


Sascha Kühn

While some talk about the bankruptcy of start-up eZelleron from Dresden, Germany, others only say that the headquarters were relocated to the US. How much truth is to these rumors? First, what is certain is that the delivery of fuel cell device kraftwerk will be late, as bankruptcy proceedings for eZelleron GmbH began on April 18, 2016, at the local court in Dresden. (more…)

How is it going on with NOW and NIP?

How is it going on with NOW and NIP?


Dr. Klaus Bonhoff, NOW (l.), Dr. Sascha Kühn, eZelleron (r.), and Andy Fuchs, Toyota

For several months, speculation has been rife concerning the continuation of the National Innovation Program for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (NIP), or a possible NIP 2.0. To ensure that the ideas on the configuration of the revised program aren’t rejected before it has even got off the ground, it is worth taking a brief look back: what, exactly, were the contents and goals of the NIP 1.0? (more…)