
Is Japan heading for a hydrogen society?

Is Japan heading for a hydrogen society?

Fukushima Hydrogen Research Field, © Toshiba

© Toshiba

Hydrogen set to play a vital part in green growth strategy

In 2017, Japan became the first industrialized nation to set out its national hydrogen plan. As part of the hydrogen society strategy, massive investments have been made in pioneering pilot projects, albeit with a clear focus on the importation of blue hydrogen. The Japanese hydrogen roadmap foresees expansion on the user side – through fuel cell vehicles, mini combined heat and power units in buildings, and the energy supply – as well as infrastructure build-out and, above all, the rapid establishment of supply chains abroad. And thanks to the Japanese government’s new climate target and green growth strategy, hydrogen has now assumed an even greater significance.

Fuel cell use in the logistics industry

Fuel cell use in the logistics industry


Toyota forklift truck, © Toyota

The good news is that fuel cells for materials handling equipment are no longer confined to a niche market. Entire warehouses in North America are currently being served by hydrogen-powered forklift trucks. This type of fuel cell application is also becoming increasingly popular in Asia and Europe, but their logistics industries will have some catching up to do. (more…)

Fuel-Cell iPhone Nothing but Hot Air

H2-international has long since refrained from spreading any rumors or participating in any speculation about fuel cells for mobile devices, even if it was about an iPhone which allegedly could be powered by Intelligent Energy modules. It is precisely for this reason that we will do no more than quote roby111, who posted a pretty accurate assessment of the situation on the web at Elektronikpraxis: “Yes, since 1998 this topic has been making the rounds (more…)

ENE-FARM installed 120,000 residential fuel cell units

ENE-FARM installed 120,000 residential fuel cell units


Nedo, Japan, showed their first CHP fuel cell systems in Hannover 2008

Japan’s ENE-FARM program is arguably the most successful fuel cell commercialization program in the world. ENE-FARM has supported the deployment of well over 120,000 residential fuel cell units and is providing proof that long term public-private partnerships can push new technology into the marketplace. New models coming on the market in 2015 are smaller, more efficient, cheaper and more easily installed than previous models. (more…)