
GTT acquires Areva H2Gen

In mid-October 2020, French GTT announced their acquisition of electrolyzer manufacturer Areva H2Gen. Established in 1994, GTT is the result of a Gaztransport and Technigaz merger focusing on the transport and storage of liquified natural gas. With decades of experience handling cryogenic fluids, the company offers engineering and consulting services as well as training courses.

Areva becomes Framatome

Areva becomes Framatome

FramatomeThe nuclear products division of the French Areva group has restructured its German subsidiary. On Nov. 1, 2017, it transferred all operations of Areva Germany, based in Erlangen, to New NP. After French energy supplier Électricité de France became the parent company’s major shareholder at the beginning of 2018, the name was changed to Framatome. (more…)

La Grande Nation Hangs On To Nuclear Power

La Grande Nation Hangs On To Nuclear Power


Meziane Boudellal

In the 1960s and 1970s, France’s industry and research departments used to be very proactive in fuel cell development. Then, 1974 came to pass and with it the slogan of “all-electric, all-nuclear” (tout-éléctrique, tout-nucléaire). The number of fuel cell projects fell drastically and remained at its low level until about the end of the 1990s. In the meantime, a great many subsidies have gone into nuclear industry developments: Billions were and are being spent through CEA (Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique) in this field. (more…)