
Alpiq buys Diamond Lite

Diamond Lite, a Swiss engineering firm founded by Hansjörg Vock in Herisau in 1982, used to be something of a European office for products by American electrolyzer manufacturer Proton OnSite. That changed last summer, when it was purchased by Swiss energy services provider Alpiq Holding, based in Lausanne, on June 30. With the acquisition of Diamond Lite, Alpiq has made a strategic investment in its growth markets. (more…)

Electrolyzer Market Overview

Electrolyzer Market Overview

resultsLast November, H2-international published a first market overview of residential fuel cell systems. This time, we will take a closer look at electrolyzers. To try and map the current situation on the electrolyzer market, we contacted 18 manufacturers, primarily from the German-speaking region, but also from across Europe and North America. Ten of them have sent us details on their electrolyzers. Nine of them have made it onto the product list; Diamond Lite and Proton OnSite provided virtually identical information. (more…)

Power-to-gas is now en vogue in Europe

Power-to-gas is now en vogue in Europe


ITM-system in Ibbenbueren (Source: ITM-Power)

The political statements are now being trotted out on an almost weekly basis. This should come as no surprise, since more power-to-gas projects are now starting than ever before. We repeatedly hear things like “PtG technology has the potential to lead the energy transition to success.” Such statements were to be heard most recently, for example, at the commissioning of the facility in Ibbenbüren and in Mainz, and also at the initialization of the project in Solothurn, Switzerland. (more…)

H2 Filling Stations for Switzerland

H2 Filling Stations for Switzerland


H. J. Vock (Source: H2energy)

In Switzerland, the initial trials for the development of an infrastructure for fuel cell vehicles are now underway. At the start of April 2015, a consortium of companies announced that the first public hydrogen filling station is to be built in early 2016. The fuel to be used there is to be produced sustainably using hydroelectric power. For this purpose, the energy services group Axpo, one of the biggest producers of renewable energy in the Alpine state, is planning to construct an electrolyzer directly adjacent to one of its existing run-of-the-river power plants. The hydrogen (more…)