
Rising Fuel Cell Demand

Rising Fuel Cell Demand

stackH2-international has recently asked manufacturers of fuel cell stacks not only about their systems’ technical specifications, but also about their opinion of current market developments. As only seven companies participated in the survey, the results may not be very indicative of where the entire market is heading. However, you can discern a few trends. (more…)

Ballard Power: Good Start with Strong First Quarter

Ballard Power: Good Start with Strong First Quarter


Rendering model of the H2-driven T680, © Kenworth

One good piece of fuel cell news after another: Businesses on the stock exchange, such as the ones discussed in these news articles, have announced a series of large orders, new strategic partnerships, technological advances and new investors (also strategic ones), and some (quarterly) results or forecasts promise interesting times ahead on the way to a hydrogen society. Share prices are gradually starting to reflect the positive development (more…)

Vaillant Puts Fuel Cell Heating on Ice

Vaillant Puts Fuel Cell Heating on Ice


The xellPOWER shown during the SHK 2016 will not reach the market

Heating system manufacturer Vaillant has – again – put its fuel cell business on hold. Management announced on March 14, 2017, during the ISH in Frankfurt, Germany, that it had “reduced development capacities in fuel cells [and] put the market introduction of the fuel cell heating system for single-family buildings on hold for the time being.” Instead, Carsten Voigtländer, CEO of the Vaillant Group, intends to put a greater focus on renewable energy and heat pumps. In his view, “there currently is no fuel cell heating system that would be economically feasible for owners of real estate.” (more…)

Gummert Leaves SOLIDpower

Gummert Leaves SOLIDpower


Guido Gummert, © SOLIDpower

“Everything has progressed at a much faster pace than I expected,” Guido Gummert, formerly CEO of SOLIDpower, had told the Aachener Nachrichten in early 2017. What he meant was the rapid turnaround at Ceramic Fuel Cells after it filed for bankruptcy in March 2015. After SOLIDpower took over Ceramic Fuel Cells, business recovered fast, but now Gummert left the Italian-based manufacturer of stationary fuel cells at the end of February 2017 at his own request. (more…)

Hydrogen Car Garage Opened

Anyone who already owns a fuel cell vehicle and needs to have it repaired now has someone to turn to: Car dealership Karl Russ has opened its own hydrogen garage in Germany. The Mercedes dealership in Nürtingen invested more than EUR 70,000 in equipment and monitoring technology to be able to make all necessary repairs on fuel cell vehicles while complying with German safety standards. The garage had already been inaugurated at the end of 2015. Managing partner Stefan Russ told the Nürtinger Zeitung: “Thanks to our customers, we can already service F-Cell vehicles according the manufacturer’s instructions. Our new repair shop has us well prepared for future car generations.”