
New gas boilers run on hydrogen

New gas boilers run on hydrogen


German consumers in need of a new heating system have expressed growing interest in home fuel cells, an assessment shared by the public hydrogen and fuel cell agency. Although there are few systems on the market these days, and pretty expensive ones at that, their numbers are rising. As it looks now, the government will continue to fund the sector for a while. The following paragraphs offer a summary of what is currently available for sale.


Three New Board Members at Hydrogen Europe

The changes on the Hydrogen Europe board are not over yet. At the assembly in Brussels on Nov. 24, 2016, the association’s members elected Nils Aldag from sunfire as energy chair, Denis Thomas from Hydrogenics as membership and joint undertaking commitment chair and Werner Diwald from the DWV as association pillar chair. Aldag replaced Katharina Beumelburg from Siemens and Thomas succeeded Thomas Melczer, who used to work at Proton Motor (more…)

SOFC Systems for Emerging Countries

SOFC Systems for Emerging Countries


SOFC stack, © mPower

In the future, high-temperature fuel cells should pave the way for new energy solutions in emerging countries. At least, this is the plan of several Indian investors who founded mPower in November 2015. Trusting in the SOFC know-how of Fraunhofer’s IKTS and the interconnects by Plansee, they want nothing less than to set out from Dresden and revolutionize the energy world. (more…)

Energy Saxony: Rohleder Replaces Franke

Energy Saxony: Rohleder Replaces Franke


Lukas Rohleder

On March 1, 2016, Lukas Rohleder took over management of Energy Saxony. The 34-year-old replaced Robert Franke, who became head of the Office of Economic Development in Dresden, the capital of the German state of Saxony, on Oct. 1, 2015. Rohleder was last employed as the executive assistant for political communication at aireg, after he had worked as a research assistant at the Bundestag office of Germany’s finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble. (more…)

FC on board – MFC & SOFC in maritime applications

FC on board – MFC & SOFC in maritime applications


The SOFC system from sunfire©

Fuel cells are considered to be all-round talents. That is why their use in the maritime sector is being continuously tested out. Until now, however, a successful breakthrough is yet to have occurred in this field. Nonetheless, as before, a variety of companies are trying to gain a foothold in this challenging area of potential application (more…)