
Power-to-Liquids Takes Off

Power-to-Liquids Takes Off


PtL jet fuel from renewable sources, © UBA, [2]

The aviation industry is aiming for carbon-neutral growth starting in 2020 and a CO2 reduction of 50 per cent by 2050 compared to 2005 [1]. There are currently two options under discussion to achieve these goals: Emission certificates and biofuels. Both are not immune to criticism because of their direct and indirect impact on the environment. (more…)

The Long Search for Platinum Replacements

The Long Search for Platinum Replacements


Hollow platinum cubes, © Xia Laboratory/UW

Regarding fuel cells, a challenging and important issue are still the catalysts. To a considerable degree, they determine both the performance of stacks and their price. Currently, the most different nanoparticles are being examined in the most different structural combinations. This is also true for the field of water splitting, where catalysts are employed in electrolysis systems. The jury is still out on which materials could ultimately replace platinum in both cases, so work on the required catalyst quantity continues. (more…)