
Shell Study: Fuel Cells for Car Use

Shell Study: Fuel Cells for Car Use


Stijn van Els

This March, Shell presented a new study carried out in collaboration with the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy. Focusing on transportation, the authors compared several different production pathways for hydrogen and took a closer look at the three regions spearheading global development: Germany, Japan and the United States. Jörg Adolf, who headed the project at Shell, said that hydrogen technology had made big advances over the past years, “not just in car use.” (more…)

Growing H2 Infrastructure But Not All Stations Operational

Growing H2 Infrastructure But Not All Stations Operational


H2 station in Offenbach, © Air Liquide

After one hydrogen filling station had each been installed in Wuppertal and Ulm in summer 2016, another three went into operation last fall. As reported previously (see Three New Hydrogen Filling Stations), the H2 pump at the Metzingen gas station south of Stuttgart came online on Sept. 23. Five days later, however, it had to be shut down again when a truck hit it. Its trailer had been caught in the pump, resulting in at least EUR 60,000 in damage. (more…)

Three New Hydrogen Filling Stations

Three New Hydrogen Filling Stations


Ulm, © Daimler

Since this summer, Germany has been able to offer eco-conscious drivers two more opportunities to fill up their hydrogen tanks. The first new station went online in Wuppertal on June 19 and is viewed as the prototype for the planned nationwide H2 infrastructure, according to the Clean Energy Partnership. The project supported by EUR 670,000 consisted of the addition of a hydrogen fuel pump to the Shell gas station (more…)

H2 MOBILITY Under New Leadership

H2 MOBILITY Under New Leadership


Nikolas Iwan

On May 1, 2016, Nikolas Iwan became the new CEO of H2 MOBILITY Germany. Iwan had previously worked for eight years in different management positions at Shell. His predecessor, Frank Sreball, who has had his own consultancy for management and interim management since 2005, had been the one originally setting up H2 MOBILITY on his own. (more…)

Patrick Schnell Leaves CEP

Patrick Schnell Leaves CEP


P. Schnell & T. Bystry (r.)

Change in personnel at the beginning of the year at Clean Energy Partnership (CEP): Patrick Schnell, who had worked at the organization since it started out as a demonstration project (which succeeded the Verkehrswirtschaftliche Energiestrategie or VES in 2002), handed over his chairmanship of CEP to Thomas Bystry. Schnell, whose primary employment is managing the Sustainable Development department (more…)